Fyrkatstien and Vesterfjord
The trail called Fyrkatstien is a wonderful nature route that connects the city of Hobro to Fyrkat Viking Museum.
On the trail you can enjoy the amazing nature with its lakes, streams and a rich wildlife like birds, otters, sheeps and sometimes cattle etc.
The trail starts at the pedestrian street in Hobro, at "Store Torv" which you can find by looking for the fountain Torvekonen, which has a statue of a lady standing with a bucket in each hand.
The trail leads you to Hobro Theater passing by and continues to Ambupladsen that is located right by the beautiful Vesterfjord.
Vesterfjord in Hobro is a shallow lake that has brackish water which means that the water is a mix of salt and fresh water. Originally Vesterfjord was a part of Mariager Fjord, but today the two fjords are only connected through the stream Onsild Å, which runs through Hobro and continues to Fyrkat.
From Ambupladsen the trail continues to Aalykkevej and up the gravel road to the allotment huts located with a spectacular view of Fyrkat Engsø.
Onsild Ådal and Fyrkat Engsø
After passing the area with the allotment huts you follow the trail down to the calm stream Onsild Å. Onsild Å continues all the way to Fyrkat and further on to Onsild. When walking along the trail you come to a small bridge where you can choose to turn left and visit Fyrkat Viking Farmstead or you can continue and follow the trail alongside Fyrkat Engsø (the lake on the right) and go visit Fyrkat Ringfortress. Both places are worth visiting and is in fact all together Fyrkat Viking Museum. One ticket gives you access to both places as well as Hobro Museum, which is located close to the pedestrian street in Hobro.
Follow the steps of the Vikings
In the Viking Age Mariager Fjord went all the way out to the viking fortress Fyrkat. Today there is more land than water in the area, but Fyrkatstien follows the old waterway, so when you are walking on the trail, try to imagine how the big Viking ships sailed on the fjord directly to Fyrkat.
The entire trail has signs marked "Fyrkatstien" so it is easy to follow without a map.
Read more about Fyrkatstien here!
The Ancient Road and the Mariagerfjord-route
Combine the walking trail with a nice bike ride on The Ancient Road and the popular Mariagerfjord-Route 32. Both routes pass by Fyrkat.